Divorce Isn’t the Worst Thing That Can Happen to Your Child

Divorce Isn't the Worst Thing That Can Happen to Your Child


50% of all children in the United States will witness a divorce between their parents. While it would be wonderful if every child could grow up in a home with two loving parents, that’s sadly not reality today. However, divorce doesn’t immediately result in the end of a child’s happiness or success. 

Divorce is not a decision that should be taken lightly. No matter the situation, divorce will have an impact on both the parents and their children. Nevertheless, in some cases kids are actually better off because of how the marital relationship affected them prior to the parental split. And as parents, there are multiple ways you can help your child adjust to make the transition smoother. 


Staying Together Isn’t Always the Best Solution 

Many parents who consider getting a divorce worry that this decision will completely ruin their children and their future. And their fears are somewhat justified when one considers the research showing the negative effects that divorce can have on children. Because of this fear, some parents might think that for the kids, it’ll be better if mom and dad just “tough it out.” However, choosing to stay together no matter what may actually do more harm than good. 

If divorce is on the table, parents will need to juggle the financial and emotional effects the decision will have on the family. Mild depression, anxiety, and anger are common responses among children with divorced parents. On the other hand, divorce is an important option to protect a spouse or kids from toxic relationships.

Because of the toll that divorce can take on the spouses involved, let alone a whole family, many parents just drop the idea completely. Of course, when marital problems arise and divorce is coming into the picture, it doesn’t mean that divorce has to be the answer. 


Divorce Alternatives

Marriage therapy, personal counseling, and honest conversations about what the actual problems are (e.g. pride and self-centeredness) rather than the symptoms (e.g. communication style or personality differences) can be incredibly beneficial. 

Before making the huge decision of whether or not you should get divorced, one should first do some very honest self-reflection — especially with the help of a licensed therapist. Dr. William J. Doherty, a marriage and family therapist and professor of family social science, explains that licensed therapists can “challenge both you and your spouse about your contributions to the problems and your capacity to make individual changes to resolve the problems.” Reflecting on your personal contributions to the relationship will not only benefit you as an individual, but it will benefit your relationship as a whole. 

While getting professional help is an important step, it’s also important to remember that you can’t change someone else. True change can only happen if it originates from within. If a relationship isn’t evolving because changes are not being made, divorce may be the result.


Choosing To Divorce

Now, let’s suppose that you end up choosing to get a divorce. The change is going to hurt no matter what the situation is, because you and your children now have to adapt to a new normal. 

However, this huge change doesn’t have to ruin your kids. In fact, according to one study, “there is some evidence to suggest that the majority of children whose parents divorced are not indistinguishable from their peers whose parents remained married.” 

Scores of studies have found that children form habits quickly by watching and observing those around them. If a child’s parents are displaying a verbally or physically abusive relationship, that child won’t know the difference between the parental relationship they witnessed and a healthy relationship. 

While a divorce will be difficult for the children, the changes that children experience aren’t all negative. For example, children who are no longer exposed to constant arguing, verbal or physical abuse, or unstable communication between their parents will be relieved and greatly benefited in their future. Additionally, according to child development experts, children have a built in “resiliency mechanism” that helps them to learn and bounce back from difficult circumstances with the right kind of help.


Emily’s Story

One of my best friends had an experience in which her parents got divorced when she was seven years old. I was curious about how the divorce impacted her and her family. So, I reached out to her for an interview. 

Me: Looking back now, what do you think influenced the decision to get a divorce?

Emily: Growing up my father was very neglectful towards me, my mother, and my brother. Because of this, my mother decided that she wanted a divorce.

Me: At the time, how did your family process the divorce? What decisions did your parents make in hopes of making it a reasonable decision?

Emily: My mom allowed my brother and I to choose the amount of involvement we had with my dad. At the beginning of the divorce I spent weekends and every other Wednesday with him and then we rotated holidays. So if I spent Thanksgiving with my mom I spent Christmas with my dad, and vice versa. I wanted to see my dad as often as I could because I wanted to still have a relationship with him, but there were multiple times when he wouldn’t show up or he’d bail before I came. So, then I started reducing my visits to once a week. Unfortunately my dad could never move past his neglectful habits, and eventually I stopped doing in-person visits all together and instead we did phone calls and emails. However, about seven years ago my father just stopped replying all together, so now I’ve completely lost all contact with him.

Me: Lastly, how has your parents’ divorce influenced both you and your brother?

Emily: It allowed both of us to have complete control and it helped me to establish my self worth not only as a daughter, but as a person. If they hadn’t divorced, I would’ve been forced to suffer my dad’s neglect and I believe it would have greatly damaged my self esteem and my idea of what healthy love looks like. 


How Can I Help My Child?

If you and your spouse decide that divorce is the answer, it’s possible to help your child(ren) through every step to make the new situation sustainable. Here are a few ways you can make it easier for your kids:

  • Provide emotional support
  • Have open and honest conversations about how your child is feeling
  • Prepare yourself for tough conversations 
  • Ask your child how they’re doing on a regular basis 

By doing this, you will create an appropriate outlet that allows your children to express their emotions in a healthy way. Many adolescents seek out alcohol and drugs if their emotional needs aren’t being met, so building a loving and healthy relationship between you and your child is key. 


Although most divorce is avoidable and unnecessary, at times it can be the best option. In some cases divorce may be better for the entire family if things are beyond repair and the family climate is incredibly toxic. Every child deserves to dwell in a home where healthy relationships are present so that in the future, they can develop healthy relationships of their own.  



Makayla Whetsel is a sophomore at Brigham Young University-Idaho studying Marriage and Family Studies. She will be serving an LDS mission before returning to school to receive her degree and certificates. In the coming years, she plans to focus in the field of social work to assist both children and adults.

6 Ways to Ensure a Strong Family as a Single Parent

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By Cami Sullivan

My years as a single mom taught me how to strengthen my family and become a better mother.

When I left my husband 8 years ago, I was an emotional train wreck.  My very young daughter was clueless as to what was happening, but she knew things had changed and she didn’t like it.  It was a dark and scary time for us.  I clung to the Lord, and He led me every step of the way.  I learned how to create a strong family amidst the rough battle of divorce.

There were, surprisingly, a few perks to my new reality; it was a relief not to worry about dividing my attention between my spouse and my child, and being able to make all the decisions without having to compromise was a huge plus!

If you find yourself in a similar situation, I hope you will find use of these 6 ways to ensure a strong family as a single parent:

1. Speak kindly of your ex.

I could write novels about all the terrible things my ex did during the course of our marriage and fill bookcases more of all that has transpired since then.  But as far as my daughter knows, her dad is an angel.  She adores her dad, and I’m thrilled that she feels that way.  No one wants to hear that someone they love has done something wrong.  Your children should not know what caused the separation.  They should not know when your ex does or says something mean.  It is your responsibility to protect them from the pain and disappointment.  If you need to vent, write in your journal or call a friend when you are certain the kids can’t hear your conversation.  This step is vital!

2. Schedule time together daily.

Show your children that they are a priority by spending time with them daily.  Help them with homework, play a game, watch a favorite tv show.  What’s most important about this time is that it’s free of distractions (especially phones and tablets), and that you are doing what your children want to do, not what you want to do.  Take an interest in their interests, learn what makes them annoyed and what thrills them.  Do this consistently and without a hidden agenda.  Soon, they will trust you enough to tell you the things that they fear, things that they are tempted by, and their innermost hopes and dreams.

3. Continue routines.

As much as possible and as is appropriate for your family, continue the routines your children were used to.  Like you, they have been through much change and need some consistency.  Routine can feel like a safety net for children.  If you have always read a bedtime story to your children, keep reading!  If every Friday you order pizza, don’t stop now!  It will be wonderful for you all to have something familiar during an unfamiliar circumstance.

4. Start new traditions.

While it’s important to maintain normalcy, it’s also important to start some new traditions as you form a new identity as a family.  This can be a great discussion you have with your children- maybe each of you could choose 1 new tradition to start.  Keep in mind that your visitation likely does not allow you to see the children each holiday, so you may need to celebrate Christmas a day early or Valentines a day late.  My daughter told me the best part about having divorced parents is getting to have Santa visit her twice!

5. Make rules clear and consistent.

It is so difficult for children to go back and forth from Mom’s house to Dad’s house with new rules and guidelines at each place.  Something you can do to ease their burden is to be very clear about what you will and will not allow while they are in your home. When is bedtime?  How much TV is allowed each day?  Be clear about consequences, and always follow through.  Your children need boundaries, now more than ever.

6. Be strong and optimistic about the future.

If you are constantly negative about your circumstance and expressing worry for what’s to come, you are saying to your children that life is miserable and it probably won’t get better.  It is alright to be upset, sad, and worried.  But it is not alright to be transparent with your children about those feelings.  Be the pillar of strength they can cling to when their world tosses them around.

Raising children alone is difficult, and sometimes feels impossible.  But by following these steps you can increase the likelihood of happiness within your family!

© 2016, all rights reserved. Permission to share this article is granted as long as all bio and contact information is included.

Cami is a Support Coach who helps divorced Christian women find confidence, independence, and joy.  Learn more here: www.aplanforhappiness.org