We have a worldwide problem.


of children born today are to unwed mothers


of marriages end in divorce

million abortions each year

Over 24 million children

in the United States are growing up in a home without their biological father.

20.9 Million+ adults and children

are bought and sold worldwide into commercial sexual servitude, forced labor, and bonded labor.

2/3 of new marriages

take place between couples who have already lived together for over 2 years.

50% of pregnancies are unintended

for American women, and about four out of ten of these end in abortion

Over 3 million reports of child abuse

are made in the United States every year- and that doesn’t cover all actual instances.

By age 25, 44% of women have had a baby

But only 38% were married.

By the time they turn 30, about 2/3 of American women have had a baby, typically out of wedlock.

Over 24 million children

in the United States are growing up in a home without their biological father.

Over 24 million children

in the United States are growing up in a home without their biological father.