Three Tips for Choosing a Happy Marriage

Three Tips for Choosing a Happy Marriage

We’ve all had those friends who are stuck in miserable marriages. Maybe we’re even stuck in one ourselves! But are we really stuck? Except for cases of tremendous trauma (such as abuse, infidelity, and neglect), the way out is not as hard as it may seem. We actually...

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A Compliment a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

A Compliment a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

You women are fantastic at giving each other compliments. I hear it all the time at the office and in my classrooms. It is not uncommon at all to hear remarks such as: “Cute shoes!” “I love your new haircut!” “You’ve lost weight haven’t you? You look great!” There...

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How the Soulmate Myth Can Harm Your Marriage

How the Soulmate Myth Can Harm Your Marriage

The “soul mate myth” is a well beloved myth indeed. Those that hold this expectation generally believe that there is one, and only one, right person to marry – their soul mate.

The idea of a soul mate is quite a romantic notion and has been the plot of countless cherished books and movies. But, please pay attention to me – this myth is incredibly dangerous. Let me explain!

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News Flash: You Married an Imperfect Person.

News Flash: You Married an Imperfect Person.

How Do You React When Your Spouse “Messes UP”?

In various ways your spouse has let you down in the past and, at least periodically, will disappoint you in the future. And, frankly, you have and will let them down as well. We all make mistakes!

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Is Sugar Hurting Your Marriage?

Is Sugar Hurting Your Marriage?

    Is sugar hurting your marriage? It was trying to harm mine! Do you have a sweet-tooth? Do your breakfast cereals come in two varieties (pre-sweetened and “post-sweetened”)? Can you sometimes relate a bit too easily to the “Buddy the Elf diet”? I had such...

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Three Ways to Handle Frustration in Family Life

Three Ways to Handle Frustration in Family Life

“Frustration often stems from unmet expectations. This is especially true in family life where both frustration and expectations can abound. Regardless of the stage of your family, it is likely you had or still have high aspirations for your loved ones. And why shouldn’t you?

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